By Adewale Adejanju 

Recently, I came across a post written by one Chief Eric Ndubueze Ufom claiming PWDs Leaders demanded for reinstatement of Dr. Betta Edu as Minister of Humanitarian Affairs. I quickly contacted an array of Leaders within disability community to verify this news only to be told nothing like that ever happens and that, the writer constituted himself as PWDs Leaders! Furthermore, he is based abroad and cannot make decision for those living at home without prior consultation with "his people" (Disability Community) I was told.

The said Chief was miffed with anger when some groups of PWDs started to campaign for their own choice - Queen Dr. Halimat Adenike Tejuoso to be appointed instead of reinstatement of the suspended Dr. Betta Edu. He thus forget that, there is freedom of choice for everybody and, the group's actions based their actions on the fact that, there is a wide difference between theory and practice,  someone can be brilliant in theory and an expert, but when practical aspect is concerned may become a novice.

Truth be told, many PWDs are looking for someone who is good in practical aspect of giving, sacrifices, compassion and uplifting them instead of further plunging their lives into misery and abject poverty, life of penury and wants whereby, what is meant for them is further diverted into personal pockets and enjoyed by cliques, cronies and accomplices. The sad stories of the suspended Minister still disturb members of the community, hearing of the humongous amount meant for transforming and uplifting the sector, being diverted to private use. Do you blame them for not wanting the same person to be returned to her seat as a Minister?

Conversely, forr someone like Queen Dr. Halimat Adenike Tejuoso, with admixture of royalty, philanthropic activities, compassion for the weak, the vulnerable and the less-privileged, she stand out as a Queen and a Mother, giving succour to many. This traits, she exhibited through her Non Governmental Organization - Queen Adenike Tejuoso Foundation (QAT) giving hope to many hopeless individuals. She traversed the length and breadth of the country giving comfort and succour to the hopeless, vulnerable and the less-privileged, championing the cause of the downtrodden and acted as expected of her as an "Ambassador for the PWDs" and others at the lowest echeleon of the ladder in the society. She thus, endeared herself to many who are now clamouring for her appointment as Honourable Minister, Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development. An adage says: 'seeing is believing' and with all they have seen, she is deemed qualified because she work tirelessly and endlessly to better the lot of this segment of the society. Her cummulative experience is judged to be superb which is needed to do her job excellently. The PWDs are behind her, praying and hoping she is appointed because she is seen as a round pegs in a round hole.

Therefore, a serious appeal is being made to the effect that she be given the an opportunity to showcase her love for the people who also love her as we are tired of those promising to serve us but rather leaving us in worse conditions than they met us. The people have spoken, PBAT must appoint Queen Adenike Tejuoso she's the person most of us in disability community are comfortable with. 

Comr Adewale Adejanju is APC Lagos Deaf and PWDs Leader. Wrote to Inclusive Reporters from Lagos Nigeria. 

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