Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI, Northeast Region) in collaboration with Magnificent Possibilities for Women with Deafness Initiative (MPWDI) organized one day workshop for Deaf female students of special education centre Mutum Biyu Gassol LGA Taraba State. 

The workshop supported by YALI RLC Alumni was hosted on Wednesday 29th May, 2024. Themed: "Menstrual and Sexually Transmitted Infections/Diseases.

The organizer and CEO of magnificent possibilities for women with disabilities initiative Mr Kevin yohanna pella is a young deaf with limited speech who hail from Lamma village in zing local government area, Taraba state. He obtained Education certificate in geography from College of Education jalingo and Education degree from Ahmadu Bello University Zaria-Kaduna, Nigeria. As the founder of magnificent possibilities for women with deafness intiative, MPWDI in taraba state, He is a member young Africa leadership intiative YALI Region leadership Accra Ghana,and Alumni association of yali RLC North-East Nigeria,he is the current assistant secretary general YALI North-East region.He said his organization is focused on health of deaf women and girls. 

During the said program, one of the facilitator Ate Emmanuel counsels the deaf girls at the above school on HIV/AIDs, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Infections. 
he said, "being healthy is being rich and future for young people under the age of 15 and above. By organizing workshop like this, they will learn to take good care of their body well to avoid in touch with disease that cause death. he warned deafs girls avoid following some kind of guys anyhow" 

Another Facilitator,  Mrs Fibi A Moseh, counselled on menstruation and hygiene to the young girls. she spoke on the importance of using pads and she showed the pads to them as a mean of managing menstrual cycles. The sad reality is that most of those deaf girls said they don't know pad some have never seen it.

Mrs Moseh point out that pad should be used. she said the use dirty clothing will put girls in danger or risk. 

She said pads can help kill germs and advised the girls to make use of pads for just 3 hours then changes it. That the girls need to keep themselves clean during period she must wash her hand as well as her body she must not go out and tell other people outside I have period.

According to her there are different periods different women experiences. Some have 3days period while other 7 days. 

Moseh added that what causes period is a result carrying heavy loads cause menstrual but the true is menstrual is a natural for all women in the world.

Director of rehabilitation who represents commissioner of social justice, ministry of social justice Jalingo,taraba state.encourage the deaf girls to put into practice what they have learnt from the workshop and to share the knowledge acquired with others in their hostel. she said some people believe sex during menstrual can causes albino that is not true. but sex during menstrual can causes malani sick, infection and sexual transmitter diseases. she advised the deaf girls to avoid sex till they are married.

Deaf women leader miss Hannatu Simon on behalf of Deaf women Association taraba state chapter expressed her joy and appreciates the CEO Kevin yohanna pella for organizing the workshop for deaf female students praying for God to open door and bless magnificent possibilities for women with deafness initiative MPWDI to grow in taraba state and North-east region.

The Vice principal of the school Mallam Sani Muhammad bello who represented principal implore the Director of rehabilitation to build partnership with the CEO of the organization Kevin yohanna pella for a better community engagement and service.

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