Dr Halimat Adenike Tejuosho fix house of a Pwd pulled down by heavy downpour

By Yahaya Yusuf Kumo, 

As part of her humanitarian activities to support the homeless, downtrodden, disabled etc, Queen Dr Halimat Adenike Tejuosho through her QAT Foundation fulfill her promise of fixing a house by one, Yusuf Mohammed Lawan, a post lingual Deaf from Gombe which was recently pulled down by heavy downpour in Gombe, Gombe State. 

The unfortunate incident which occurred on 13/06/2024, was shared by the victim, Yusuf Mohammed Lawan on Facebook requesting for  prayers that "part of his house has been pulled down by heavy downpours". 

Reacting to the post, the humanitarian activist Dr Halimat Adenike Tejuosho using her verified Facebook page @Halimat Adenike Tejuosho commented requesting for the cost to fix the house. 

While receiving the cost, Dr Halimat paid full bill for its fixing which the excited Lawan confirmed to Inclusive reporter's correspondent. 

Speaking with Inclusive Reporter's correspondent representing the foundation while expressing his heartfelt appreciate to the founder, QAT foundation Dr Halimat Adenike Tejuosho immediately after fixing the house, Mr Lawan said in sign language, 

"Let me began by given thanks, glorifications and praises to Almighty Allah for His innumerable blessings towards us and especially towards our kindhearted Queen Mother Halimat Adenike Tejuosho who have been doing everything humanly possible to alleviate the sufferings of the poor and needy in this hard time". 


"Dr Halimat Tejuosho⁩ as you paistakenly shoulder the responsibility of renovating the damaged area of our house which has recently been pulled down as a result of heavy rain.May Allah SWT crown your good efforts and rewards you richly, Amen. "Lawan quoted. 

Further quoting legendary philosopher, Mark Twain, "Its today that I realise the true meaning of the old adage coined by the legendary philosopher,  "Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” –(Mark Twain) which visibly manifested in you(referring to Halimat) 
"From the bottom of my heart, I thank you, and appreciate all you have done. Your generosity has given me new hope"

"Thank you very much for this kind gesture." Yusuf Concluded. 

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